Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Role of IT in 2009 Election

In 2004 election there were hardly any Political website apart from www.IndiaDemocracy.com; but for 15th Lok Sabha election there are many websites to help Voters. Voter Registration Application is available for the first time Online, TV and newspapers ads are there, Political Blogs, Political Cartoons, exclusive videos interviews of the wannabe politicians, forums on politics, facebook, twitter, orkut accounts are available. But in the end of the day, do the Politicians actually cares, or do they want to interact with masses? Will the manifesto has room for peoples input / feedback. We need to see. Is India actually going on Obama's way of Online Campaigns with Accountability or it's just a eyewash?

Ref: http://www.engagevoter.com/blog-post-details.php?p=NQ==

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